King Tut’s Tomb May Hold Nefertiti’s Lost Tomb – artnet News

Originally posted on artnet News.

The funerary mask of King Tutankhamun at the Cairo Museum, Egypt. Photo: Tim Graham, courtesy Getty Images.

Does the tomb of Tutankhamun hold a secret passageway to the burial chamber of Queen Nefertiti? One researcher believes he has found evidence of a sealed-off door that he believes led to the famously beautiful Egyptian ruler’s tomb.

Nicholas Reeves of the University of Arizona has published a paper, “The Burial of Nefertiti?” based on his belief that high-resolution scans of the tomb (taken to create a life-size copy of the space) show traces of two walled-over doorways beneath the painted walls. He speculates that the “ghost” doorways would have led to a storage chamber and to “the undisturbed…

via King Tut’s Tomb May Hold Nefertiti’s Lost Tomb – artnet News.


4 thoughts on “King Tut’s Tomb May Hold Nefertiti’s Lost Tomb – artnet News

  1. “the Lord of Crowns, Akhenaten, great in his lifetime.
    90 And the great Queen whom he loves,
    the Lady of the Two Lands :
    Nefer-neferu-Aten Nefertiti,
    who lives and is rejuvenated forever and ever.”

    from the Great Hymn to the Aten, written by Tut’s father on the walls of Amarna in 1160 BC

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