Considerations Upon the Union… “from the will and humour of the people”

Echoes from the Vault

As we approach the fevered climax of the Scottish independence referendum, we thought it would be interesting to compare this situation with the debate surrounding the mirror-image of this referendum, when the Articles of Union were under discussion by the Scottish parliament in late 1706.


A particularly striking feature of the current debate, of course, is that it has been marked by an almost unheard-of engagement of the people in the street. There is realistic expectation of an extraordinarily high turn-out at the polls; for once, the debate seems almost to have been lifted out of the hands (or mouths) of the politicians, and is being conducted on the street corner, in the workplace, in pubs and coffee shops. People seem not to be following slavish adherence to party, but are individually informed, and are making personal decisions based on those issues which matter to them most. This is possible…

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2 thoughts on “Considerations Upon the Union… “from the will and humour of the people”

  1. Very interesting to see the debate of long ago, and to read the many clever and literate poems that were around too. I am not a Nationalist by nature, more of a republican generally. However, I actually think that Scotland might benefit from independence, if not financially, then certainly spiritually. Were I a Scot, writing this in Edinburgh today, I feel sure that I would have returned enthused and excited from the polls, having voted a resounding ‘Yes’.
    In reality though, I doubt it was ever going to happen, and will prove to have been an expensive exercise in divisiveness.
    Best wishes, Pete.

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