The sad story of the soldier Manetto | Alexis Fabbri

Originally posted on Alessio Fabbri. [Google translation]

So far I have focused on the father’s side of my family, about the name they harbor. But there is just as much curiosity and attention on my part against the maternal line, in which individual Manetto Manetti an excellent first step introduction. The reasons for which Manetto gives charisma from beyond are mainly related to the events that have marked the death, including the fact that his life was almost completely silenced by his family after his death, not to suffer, not to remember that wound.

Manetto was born on Dec. 18, 1896 in Villanova di Bagnacavallo, in the province of Ravenna. Formally baptized Manetto Carlo Domenico Manetti , the baby, who was born at 7 pm, receives the name of his uncle of his father, a priest named Manetto Manetti died in 1891. The son of Domenico Manetti and Adele Farini , the young man grows in the town of Romagna soon learning the craft of carter (who system wagons horse). They are hidden in me memories of all kinds: anecdotes, memories of youth, and so still has not managed to recover, conscious that perhaps never will happen. The first information is recordable with the discovery of military documents, which mark the…

via The sad story of the soldier Manetto | Alessio Fabbri